Friday, 20 February 2009

Eryn's Fish was the Biggest

When friends that we borrowed off Rod, Pete and Ginny, decided to move to Norway for a bit of a change, we decided we should visit. Having booked the late evening flight we again headed toward London in the car into a blizzard. Bergen airport, where we were flying into had been snowing heavily that day and, as we found out, was delayed by more than three hours. So at 2:30am we walked out of Bergen Airport to two feet of snow. We finally got to the Bed and Breakfast, that did not serve breakfast, at 3:30am.
We had a good three hours sleep before heading to the ferry terminal. A nice start to a cruisy, relaxed few days away from it all.
Pete had warned us, and we knew from previous, that Norway was expensive. But the ₤200 or $600 for the return ferry ride even surprised us. It was a four hour ferry from Bergen to Floro. Very beautiful trip through the fjords, it was a great day weather wise, unfortunately it would be the best we had.
Pete picked us up form the port and took us back to their boat mooring, which was a ten minute drive. Then onto the wee boat for the five minute trip across the fiord to their Island, Groening. The house they are in is beautiful, very farm cottagey.
The first job for the day was to feed the sheep. This involved filling two sacks with free-flow hay, putting this in the boat and delivering it to the bit of the other islands that the sheep were on.

No blow by blow any more. The next three days were filled with: fishing, both Eryn and I caught some, they fed us for two nights, Eryn's was the biggest; feeding sheep, about 100 of the 180 total; eating some amazing food that Ginny made such as Venison stew, fish soup, lamb leg and deserts.Other interesting notes: I fell in the fjord, no doubt Pete's fault. We were coming into beach and I nobly was standing at the front reading to jump ashore and pull the boat up, when we hit a seaweed covered rock, boat went left, I went right – into the water. Eryn caught a fish, it was the biggest fish caught in Norway that week according to our estimates. On the third day it got above freezing. We hit record highs of 1.5 degrees. Pete rowed across the fiord. Only took about 25 minutes. Went for a drive around one day. Had a look at some of the farms Pete wants to get hold of.All done, a very good trip. No desperate days of 5 museums per day, no schedules and yet I survived.


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